I was bored today and decided to decompile some Scala code for fun and profit. I’m using Scala 2.12.2 and Java 1.8.0_121.

Scala object

package javap

object Test01 {
  def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = Unit
public final class javap.Test01$ {
  public static javap.Test01$ MODULE$;
  public static {};
  public void main(java.lang.String[]);
  private javap.Test01$();

public final class javap.Test01 {
  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);

As we can see a Scala object is compiled to 2 Java classes, Test01 with static methods for Java compatibility and a Test01$ with a static instance of itself as MODULE$, so that Test01 can be used as an instance value in Scala.

Class constructors

package javap

class Test02(val x: Int, val y: Int, z: Int) {
  def this(x: Int, y: Int) = this(x, y, 0)
public class javap.Test02 {
  private final int x;
  private final int y;
  public int x();
  public int y();
  public javap.Test02(int, int, int);
  public javap.Test02(int, int);

Looks like the default constructor (val x: Int, val y: Int, z: Int) and the overloaded one (x: Int, y: Int) each generated a Java constructor. However only x and y are vals and became public member methods of the class, while z is used as a constructor argument only.


package javap

trait Test03 {
  val x: Int = ???
  def f(x: Int): Int = ???
public interface javap.Test03 {
  public abstract void javap$Test03$_setter_$x_$eq(int);
  public abstract int x();
  public static int f$(javap.Test03, int);
  public int f(int);
  public static void $init$(javap.Test03);

So traits are not too different from objects. However method f generated two versions, one static with the Test03 itself as an additional argument and one member method. There’s also a setter method, most likely to allow overriding x in sub-types.

Member vals

package javap

class Test04 {
  val a: Int = ???
  lazy val b: Int = ???
  @transient lazy val c: Int = ???
  implicit val d: Int = ???
public class javap.Test04 {
  private int b;
  private transient int c;
  private final int a;
  private final int d;
  private volatile byte bitmap$0;
  public int a();
  private int b$lzycompute();
  public int b();
  private int c$lzycompute();
  public int c();
  public int d();
  public javap.Test04();

Here we can see clearly that Scala vals are compiled as accessor methods and private field. b and c are lazy and generated two lzycompute methods. In addition c is transient and the underlying field is marked so as well. There’s also a bitmap$0 to keep track of the states of lazy vals. See this StackOverflow thread.


package javap

class Test05 {
  def plus1(x: Int, y: Int): Int = ???
  def plus2[T](x: T, y: T): T = ???
  def plus3[@specialized(Int, Long, Float, Double) T](x: T, y: T): T = ???
public class javap.Test05 {
  public int plus1(int, int);
  public <T> T plus2(T, T);
  public <T> T plus3(T, T);
  public double plus3$mDc$sp(double, double);
  public float plus3$mFc$sp(float, float);
  public int plus3$mIc$sp(int, int);
  public long plus3$mJc$sp(long, long);
  public javap.Test05();

Unlike Java, which has primitive (int, long, etc.) and boxed (Integer, Long, etc.) types, Scala has unified primitive types and will choose the appropriate type in generated code, like primitives in most cases and boxed types in generic classes. We can see here that plus1 and plus2 are identical to how one would write then in Java. However plus3 generates one generic version and 4 specialized versions.

See these slides for a more in depth discussion of Scala primitives.


package javap

class Test06 {
  def map(xs: Array[Int], f: Int => Int): Array[Int] = xs.map(f)
  def f(x: Int): Int = ???
  val g = f _
  val h = (x: Int) => x + 1: Int
public class javap.Test06 {
  private final scala.Function1<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> g;
  private final scala.Function1<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> h;
  public int[] map(int[], scala.Function1<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object>);
  public int f(int);
  public scala.Function1<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> g();
  public scala.Function1<java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object> h();
  public static final int $anonfun$g$1(javap.Test06, int);
  public static final int $anonfun$h$1(int);
  public javap.Test06();
  private static java.lang.Object $deserializeLambda$(java.lang.invoke.SerializedLambda);

These Scala anonymous functions are realy just instances of the trait Function1[T, R]. Scala generates both static methods ($anonfun$g$1, $anonfun$h$1) and function instances (g(), h()) for g and f since they are declared as vals. f is declared as a method and has no instances. This will probably happen at the call site.

Other features

package javap

class Test07 {
  def plus1(x: Int, y: Int, z: Int = 0): Int = ???
  def plus2(x: Int)(y: Int)(z: Int): Int = ???
  def plus3(x: Int)(implicit y: Int): Int = ???
  def plus4[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit num: Numeric[T]): T = ???
  def plus5[T: Numeric](x: T, y: T): T = ???
public class javap.Test07 {
  public int plus1(int, int, int);
  public int plus1$default$3();
  public int plus2(int, int, int);
  public int plus3(int, int);
  public <T> T plus4(T, T, scala.math.Numeric<T>);
  public <T> T plus5(T, T, scala.math.Numeric<T>);
  public javap.Test07();

Here we can see that there’s not much special in the generated methods. Method plus1 with default argument generated a special case. While curried plus2 and plus3 with implicit argument don’t look special at all. plus4 and plus5 look identical since an implicit type class argument is equivalent to a context bound [T: Numeric].


In my experience as a library builder, digging into generated byte code allows me to better understand the following topics

  • Java inter-op, e.g. Scala features that translate well or badly when called in Java
  • Performance considerations, e.g. primitive vs. boxed types, class method vs. function instances
  • Serialization implications, e.g. pulling in non-serializable trait or object module, or initialization sequence of @transient lazy vals

The script that generated these can be found at https://github.com/nevillelyh/scala-playground/blob/master/javap.sh.


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