I spent a couple hours yesterday debugging what I thought was a Protobuf serialization issue, which turns out to be an unlawful Monoid-like use of aggregateByKey in Scio.

The Problem

Both Scio and Spark have aggregate and aggregateByKey transformations that look like this:

// on SCollection[V]
def aggregate[U](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, V) => U, combOp: (U, U) => U): SCollection[U]

// on SCollection[(K, V)]
def aggregateByKey[U](zeroValue: U)(seqOp: (U, V) => U, combOp: (U, U) => U): SCollection[(K, U)]

And we have some business logic that looks like this:

case class Count(id: String, count: Int)

val z = Count("", 0) // zeroValue
def seqOp(acc: Count, v: Count) = Count(v.id, acc.count + v.count)
def combOp(x: Count, y: Count) = Count(x.id, x.count + y.count)

sc.parallelize(Seq(Count("a", 10), Count("a", 100), Count("b", 5), Count("b", 50)))
  .aggregateByKey(z)(seqOp, combOp)

This code however, only works correctly locally with DirectRunner and always produces results with id == "" when running on Dataflow service with the DataflowRunner. Can you spot the bug?

Monoid laws

You might notice that zeroValue and combOp together resemble a Monoid, which should satisfy the identity law:

combOp(zeroValue, x) == combOp(x, zeroValue) == x

Since elements in Scio, Spark, etc. are unordered, combOp should also be commutative to make computation deterministic.

combOp(x, y) == combOp(y, x)

Under the hood

Here are 3 scenarios of what could happen to our code. Let’s assume our data is split up into 2 partitions.

val xs1 = List(Count("a", 10), Count("a", 15))
val xs2 = List(Count("a", 100), Count("a", 150))

The first scenario is the most intuitive given the method signature of aggregateByKey. Elements in every partition are accumulated into zeroValue with seqOp, and the accumulated values are reduced with combOp. This produces the correct result.

val r1 = List(xs1.foldLeft(z)(seqOp), xs2.foldLeft(z)(seqOp)).reduce(combOp)

The next 2 scenarios are similar, except that zeroValue is appended or prepended to the list of accumulated results of xs1 and xs2 as input to combOp.

val r2 = List(z, xs1.foldLeft(z)(seqOp), xs2.foldLeft(z)(seqOp)).reduce(combOp) // incorrect
val r3 = List(xs1.foldLeft(z)(seqOp), xs2.foldLeft(z)(seqOp), z).reduce(combOp) // correct

We realize that only r3 is correct but r2 is not. This is because combOp breaks the identity law and since List#reduce starts from the left, combOp(z, x) will not populate id correctly while combOp(x, z) does. We made the wrong assumption in our code that zeroValue is only used in seqOp and never fed directly into combOp, and didn’t implement it correctly. Any of these 3 scenarios could happen depending on the platform implementation. We need to fix combOp to satisfy the identity law:

def combOp(x: Count, y: Count): Count = Count(if (x.id.nonEmpty) x.id else y.id, x.count + y.count)

For more details see spotify/scio#729 and BEAM-2453.


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