Advanced Topics

  • Operators
  • Monoids and Monads
  • Generics
  • Bounds
  • Variance
  • Implicits
  • Polymorphism


Operators are functions

// use :paste mode in Scala console
class Vec(val data: Seq[Double]) {
  def +(rhs: Vec): Vec = new Vec( => t._1 + t._2))
  def *(scalar: Double): Vec = new Vec( * scalar))
  override def toString: String = "Vec(" + data.mkString(",") + ")"

object Vec {  // companion object
  def apply(data: Double*) = new Vec(data)
Vec(0.1, 0.2) + Vec(1.0, 2.0)  // Vec.+(Vec), infix operator
Vec(0.1, 0.2) * 2.0            // Vec.*(2.0)
Heavily used in math libraries like breeze



1 + 2 + 3 + 4 == ((1 + 2) + 3) + 4
1 * 2 * 3 * 4 == ((1 * 2) * 3) * 4
Most operators are left Associative
1 :: 2 :: 3 :: Nil == 1 :: (2 ::(3 :: Nil))
2 :: Nil == Nil.::(2)                // .::() is a method of Nil
1 +: List(2, 3) == List(2, 3).+:(1)  // .+:() is a mmethod of List
Except those end with a colon (:)


Binary operator properties

  • Associative - \((ab)c = a(bc)\)
  • Commutative - \(ab = ba\)
  • Affect fold/reduce left or right
  • Also whether collection is parallelizable
More on this later


:: ::: +: :+ ++: :++ /: :\ % %% ...


Do not overuse!


Christmas Tree

// lots of operator overloading...
// ...
object ChristmasTree extends DecorationBuilder {
  def main(args: Array[String]) {
Do not attempt at home!



  • Write a class for complex number
  • Write methods for \(+\) and \(\times\)
  • Make sure they support Double too
  • How about double op complex?

Monoids and Monads

Monoid definition

  • A set \(S\) and a binary function \(\bullet\) of \(S \times S \rightarrow S\)
  • Closure - \(\forall a, b \in S: a \bullet b \in S\)
  • Associativity - \(\forall a, b, c \in S: (a \bullet b) \bullet c = a \bullet (b \bullet c)\)
  • Identity element - \(\exists e \in S: e \bullet a = a \bullet e = a\)

Monoids and Monads

Monoid examples

  • \(S =\) natural numbers, \(\bullet = +, e = 0\) or \(\bullet = \times, e = 1\)
  • \(S =\) finite strings with alphabet \(\Sigma\), \(\bullet = concat, e = ""\)
  • \(S =\) sets, \(\bullet = union, e = \emptyset\)
  • Algebird BloomFilter, SGDMonoid, ...
  • For some cases of \(S =\) T, \(\bullet =\) op, \(e =\) z in
    foldLeft[T](z: T)(op: (T, T) => T): T
  • List(10, 20, 30).foldLeft(0)(_+_)
    List(10, 20, 30).reduce(_+_)
  • List(10, 20, 30).foldLeft(1)(_*_)
    List(10, 20, 30).reduce(_*_)

Monoids and Monads

Monoid illustrated


Monoids and Monads


List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6).reduce(_ + _)
  • (1 + 2) + (3 + 4) + (5 + 6)
  • (1 + 2 + 3) + (4 + 5 + 6)
  • (1 + 3 + 5) + (2 + 4 + 6)

Any order, multiple steps

Perfect for an unordered, parallel collection

pipe              // of type [(String, Int)]
  .group          // by key String with values {Int, Int, ...}
  .reduce(_ + _)  // happens both on mapper and reducer side

Monoids and Monads


List(1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3).map(x => Set(x)).reduce(_ ++ _).size
  • ({1} ++ {1}) ++ ({1} ++ {2}) ++ ({2} ++ {3})
  • ({1} ++ {1} ++ {1}) ++ ({2} ++ {2} ++ {3})
  • ({1} ++ {2} ++ {3}) ++ ({1} ++ {1} ++ {2})
// mapFn: input type T to intermediate, reduceable type X
// redFn: binary operator
// mapFn2: X to output type U
def mapReduceMap[T, X, U](mapFn: T => X)(redFn: (X, X) => X)(mapFn2: X => U)
From Scalding field-based API GroupBuilder

Monoids and Monads

User artists as a monoid

abstract class UserArtists {  // S
  def getArtists: Set[String]
  def +(that: UserArtists): UserArtists  // binary function
case class UserArtistsEmpty() extends UserArtists {  // e
  override def getArtists: Set[String] = Set[String]()
  override def +(that: UserArtists): UserArtists = that
case class UserArtistsFull(artists: Set[String]) extends UserArtists {
  override def getArtists: Set[String] = artists
  override def +(that: UserArtists): UserArtists = that match {
    case that: UserArtistsEmpty => this
    case that: UserArtistsFull => {
      UserArtistsFull(this.artists ++ that.artists)

Monoids and Monads

Semigroup and group

  • Semigroup - Monoid without identity element
  • Group - Monoid with inverse \(\forall a \in S: \exists b \in S \rightarrow a \bullet b = b \bullet a = e\)

Monoids and Monads

Monad definition

  • A monad M embeds an underlying type T
  • Type constructor: TM[T] (generics!)
  • Unit function: fn: T => M[T]
  • Binding operation: m: M[T], op: T => M[U]M[U]
Also see monad laws
In short, identity and associativity, just like monoid

Monoids and Monads

Monad examples

// from Algebird
trait Monad[M[_]] {
  // Also called `unit` (in papers) or `return` (in Haskell).
  def apply[T](v: T): M[T]

  // Also called `bind` (in papers) or `>>=` (in Haskell).
  def flatMap[T, U](m: M[T])(fn: (T) => M[U]): M[U]

// Option[T] is a monad
  .apply[Int](10)   // T => M[T] where T == Int and M == Option
  .flatMap { t  =>  // T => M[U] where U = String
Other monadic structures: collections, futures, Storm bolts, Scalding pipes, Spark RDDs, etc.

Monoids and Monads

Future is monad

ListenableFuture<T>  // M = ListenableFuture
ListenableFuture<T> f1 = Futures.immediateFuture(T value); // unit function

// binding operation
ListenableFuture<U> f2 = Futures.transform(f, new Function<T, U>() {
  public U apply(T value) {
    U result;
    // computation...
    return result;

Monoids and Monads

Monad illustrated



Generic classes

// types of member key and value unknown and parameterized
class KeyVal[K, V](val key: K, val value: V)

val one = new KeyVal("one", 1)                   // KeyVal[String, Int]
val genericOne = new KeyVal[Any, Any]("one", 1)  // KeyVal[Any, Any]
  • Most Scala library APIs are generic
  • sealed abstract class List[+A] ...


Generic functions

// function definition with type parameter
def getMiddle[T](a: Array[T]) = a(a.length / 2)

val line = Array("We", "all", "live", "in", "Amerika")
getMiddle(line)        // getMiddle[String]

Specialized versions

val getMiddleString = getMiddle[String] _
getMiddleString(line)  // getMiddle[String]

val getMiddleInt = getMiddle[Int] _
getMiddleInt(line)     // error!


Tuples are generic classes

// use :paste mode in Scala console
class Tuple1[T1](val _1: T1)
class Tuple2[T1, T2](val _1: T1, val _2: T2)
// ...
// class Tuple22[T1, ..., T22](val _1: T1, ... , val _22: T22)

With companion objects

object Tuple1 {
  def apply[T1](v1: T1) = new Tuple1(v1)
object Tuple2 {
  def apply[T1, T2](v1: T1, v2: T2) = new Tuple2(v1, v2)
// ...

Tuple2("A", 1)  // Tuple2[String, Int].apply("A", 1)
Remember Crunch Tuple? e.g. Pair<K,V>, Tuple3<V1,V2,V3>, Tuple4<V1,V2,V3,V4>, TupleN


So are functions

// use :paste mode in Scala console
trait Function1[T1, R] {
  def apply(v1: T1): R          // abstract method
trait Function2[T1, T2, R] {
  def apply(v1: T1, v2: T2): R  // abstract method
// ...
// trait Function22[T1, ..., T22, R] {
//   def apply(v1: T1, ..., v22: T22): R
// }
object add extends Function2[Int, Int, Int] {
  def apply(v1: Int, v2: Int): Int = v1 + v2
add(10, 20)  // add.apply(10, 20)
Remember Guava function?


Upper bounds

class Band(val name: String)

class MetalBand(name: String, val flameThrower: Boolean) extends Band(name)
class HipsterBand(name: String, val banjo: Boolean) extends Band(name)

class SetList[T <: Band](bands: T*) {
  val runningOrder = List(bands)

val rammstein = new MetalBand("Rammstein", true)
val mumford = new HipsterBand("Mumford & Sons", true)
new SetList(rammstein, mumford)    // SetList[Band]

case class Guitar(strings: Int)
new SetList(Guitar(7), Guitar(8))  // fail, Guitar is not Band


Bounds for type interface

class Pair[T](val first: T, val second: T) {
  // error: value compareTo is not a member of type parameter T
  def smaller = if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) first else second

// T with upper bound Comparable[T], i.e. T is a subtype of Comparable[T]
class Pair[T <: Comparable[T]](val first: T, val second: T) {
  def smaller = if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) first else second

new Pair("Amerika", "wunderbar").smaller  // success!
new Pair(42, 666).smaller                 // fail! Int not Comparable[Int]


View bounds

// Int is not Comparaple[Int]
// However Int can be implicitly converted to RichInt with Comparable[Int]
// T <% Comparaple[T] -> T is viewable as Comparable[T]
class Pair[T <% Comparable[T]](val first: T, val second: T) {
  def smaller = if (first.compareTo(second) < 0) first else second

new Pair(42, 666).smaller  // success!

// Ordered[T] has comparison operators
class Pair[T <% Ordered[T]](val first: T, val second: T) {
  def smaller = if (first < second) first else second

new Pair("Amerika", "wunderbar").smaller
new Pair(42, 666).smaller


Lower bounds

class Pair[T](val first: T, val second: T) {
  // no restriction, R can be anything, return type is Pair[Any]
  def replaceFirst[R](newFirst: R) = new Pair(newFirst, second)

  // R is supertype of T, return type is Pair[R]
  def replaceFirstSafe[R >: T](newFirst: R) = new Pair(newFirst, second)

val reiter = new MetalBand("Die Apokalyptischen Reiter", true)
val p = new Pair(rammstein, reiter )  // Pair[MetalBand]
p.replaceFirst(mumford)               // Pair[Any]
p.replaceFirstSafe(mumford)           // Pair[Band]


An example

class Band
class MetalBand extends Band

val b: Band = new MetalBand  // success!

class Concert[T <: Band]
// fail! Concert[MetalBand] is not subtype of Concert[Band]
val c: Concert[Band] = new Concert[MetalBand]

class Concert[+T <: Band]
// success! Concert[T'] is subtype of Concert[T] (where T' extends T)
val c: Concert[Band] = new Concert[MetalBand]



  • B extends AB is subtype of A
  • C[+A] → covariant, C[B] is subtype of C[A]
  • C[A] → invariant, C[B] and C[A] are unrelated
  • C[-A] → contravariant, C[B] is supertype of C[A]



  • Most Scala collections have coveriant type variable
  • List[+A], Set[+A], Map[A, +B] ...



// Scala functions have contravariant arguments
// trait Function1[-T1, +R]

class Band
class MetalBand extends Band

def playMusic(b: Band) = "call me maybe"
def playMetal(b: MetalBand) = "RAWR!!!"  // accepts Band, more generic

val play: Band => String = playMusic  // same type, fine

// fail! playMetal does not accept Band argument type
val play: Band => String = playMetal

// success! playMusic accepts MetalBand argument type
val play: MetalBand => String = playMusic





class Band(val name: String)
class MetalBand(name: String) extends Band(name)

val one = new Band("One Direction")
def playMetal(b: MetalBand) = + " RAWR!"
playMetal(one)  // fail!
implicit def metallize(b: Band) = new MetalBand("O", "Ö"))
playMetal(one)  // playMetal(metallize(one))
Also see C++ conversion constructor


Pimp my library

// library code
class TopHit(val line: String) {
  def sing = line + "!"
class MetalTopHit(t: TopHit) {
  def rawr = t.line.toUpperCase + " RAWR!"
object Implicits {
  implicit def makeMetalTopHit(t: TopHit) = new MetalTopHit(t)
// application code
import Implicits._
val t = new TopHit("call me maybe")
t.sing  // TopHit.sing

// .rawr not defined on TopHit, but on MetalTopHit
t.rawr  // makeMetalTopHit(t).rawr



  • RichInt, RichDouble, etc. for Int, Double ...
  • StringOps for String with indexed sequence methods
  • scala.collection.JavaCoverters._
  • Spark PairRDDFunctions for RDD



  • Implement support for double op complex
  • Pimp String with a toComplex method


Parametric polymorphism

def head[A](xs: List[A]): A = xs(0)
with unconstrained type variable, i.e. A
head(1 :: 2 :: Nil)
A is Int
case class Band(name: String)
head(Band("Carcass") :: Band("Immortal") :: Nil)
A is Band
Notice that we did not interact with A directly


Sub-type polymorphism

def plus[A](a1: A, a2: A): A = ???
We can't use a1 + a2 since not all types of A have method +
Type of A is unknown at compile time, unlike C++ templates
trait Plus[A] {
  def plus(a2: A): A
Plus[A] to be implemented by all sub-types of A
def plus[A <: Plus[A]](a1: A, a2: A): A =
a1 is sub-type of Plus[A] with plus(a2: A)
But we must extend any A with Plus[A]!


Ad-hoc polymorphism

trait Plus[A] {  // a.k.a. type class
  def plus(a1: A, a2: A): A
We can implement Plus[A] independently and not mix-in with A
implicit object PlusInt extends Plus[Int] {
  def plus(a1: Int, a2: Int): Int = a1 + a2
implicit implementation of Plus[Int] that can be used as an context for Int
// implicit evidence that there exists Plus[A] for A
def plus[A](a1: A, a2: A)(implicit ev: Plus[A]): A =, a2)

// shorthand, a.k.a. context bound
def plus[A : Plus](a1: A, a2: A): A = implicitly[Plus[A]].plus(a1, a2)
a1 is sub-type of Plus[A] with plus(a2: A)
We can implement Plus[A] for any A, without access to A's source code or extending it


Type classes

Numeric for Int, Double, etc., Ordering for any Numeric, String, etc.
def add[T : Numeric](x: T, y: T): T = implicitly[Numeric[T]].plus(x, y)
add(1, 2)      // Numeric[Int].plus(x: Int, y: Int)
add(1.0, 2.0)  // Numeric[Double].plus(x: Double, y: Double)
def max[T](x: T, y: T)(implicit ev: Ordering[T]): T =
  if (, y)) y else x

max(1, 2)      // Ordering[Int].lt(x: Int, y: Double)
max("1", "2")  // Ordering[String].lt(x: String, y: String)

That's It

Further reading

⇒ Day 4