class: center, middle # Advanced Scala ## Semigroups Neville Li @sinisa_lyh Sep 2016 --- class: center, middle ## Examples in [Scio]( ## Concepts apply to [Scalding]( and [Spark]( --- # Count streams per artist ```scala case class Stream(user: String, artist: String, timestamp: Long) def countStreamsPerArtist(input: SCollection[Stream]) = input .groupByKey(_.artist) .mapValues(_.size) ``` --- # Expanded ```scala case class Stream(user: String, artist: String, timestamp: Long) def countStreamsPerArtist(input: SCollection[Stream]) = { val group: SCollection[(String, Iterable[Stream])] = input.groupByKey(_.artist) val count: SCollection[(String, Long)] = group.mapValues { values: Iterable[Stream] => values.size } count } ``` --- # Analyzed ```scala case class Stream(user: String, artist: String, timestamp: Long) def countStreamsPerArtist(input: SCollection[Stream]) = { // user: String and timestamp: Long are grouped even though they are never used val group: SCollection[(String, Iterable[Stream])] = input.groupByKey(_.artist) // values can be huge and must be shipped to a single reducer val count: SCollection[(String, Long)] = group.mapValues { values: Iterable[Stream] => // Requires iterating through all elements // O(n) operation in many frameworks values.size } count } ``` --- # What's the problem? - ### Network and disks way slower than RAM - ### Shuffling is expensive - ### Serialization is expensive - ### Uneven workload among workers --- class: center, middle # What's the #1 rule in data engineering? --- class: center, middle # Process as little data as possible! --- # Doing it old school Imagine a fake Scala M/R framework called Scuigi ```scala trait ScuigiJob[I, K, V, O] { // Map from input elements to key-value pairs for shuffling def map(input: Iterator[I]): Iterator[(K, V)] // Invisible shuffle layer // Reduce values per key to output elements def reduce(kv: Iterator[(K, Iterable[V])]): Iterator[O] } ``` -- ```scala class CountStreamsPerArtist extends ScuigiJob[Stream, String, Stream, (String, Long)] { def map(input: Iterator[Stream]): Iterator[(String, Stream)] def reduce(kv: Iterator[(String, Iterable[Stream])]): Iterator[(String, Long)] } ``` --- # Implementation ```scala class CountStreamsPerArtist extends ScuigiJob[Stream, String, Stream, (String, Long)] { def map(input: Iterator[Stream]): Iterator[(String, Stream)] = => (s.artist, s)) def reduce(kv: Iterator[(String, Iterable[Stream])]): Iterator[(String, Long)] = { case (k, vs) => (k, vs.size) } } ``` --- # Can you tell the difference? ```scala class CountStreamsPerArtist extends ScuigiJob[Stream, String, Long, (String, Long)] { def map(input: Iterator[Stream]): Iterator[(String, Long)] = => (s.artist, 1L)) def reduce(kv: Iterator[(String, Iterable[Long])]): Iterator[(String, Long)] = { case (k, vs) => (k, vs.size) } } ``` --- # Let's cheat more ```scala class CountStreamsPerArtist extends ScuigiJob[Stream, String, Long, (String, Long)] { def map(input: Iterator[Stream]): Iterator[(String, Long)] = { val m = mutable.Map.empty[String, Long] input.foreach { s => count = m.getOrElse(s.artist, 0L) m(s.artist) = count + 1 } m.iterator } def reduce(kv: Iterator[(String, Iterable[Long])]): Iterator[(String, Long)] = { case (k, vs) => (k, vs.sum) } } ``` --- class: center, middle # Congratulations # You just implemented a combiner --- class: center, middle # All it does is 1 + 1 + 1 + ... # On both mappers and reducers --- # Let's generalize this ```scala class CombineJob[K, V](f: (V, V)) extends ScuigiJob[(K, V), K, V, (K, V)] { def map(input: Iterator[(K, V)]): Iterator[(K, V)] = { val m = mutable.Map.empty[K, V] input.foreach { case (k, v) => m(k) = if (m.contains(k)) f(m(k), v) else m(k) = v } m.iterator } def reduce(kv: Iterator[(K, Iterable[V])]): Iterator[(K, V)] = { { case (k, vs) => (k, vs.reduce(f)) } } } ``` --- class: center, middle # Congratulations # You just implemented reduceByKey --- # Count with reduce ```scala case class Stream(user: String, artist: String, timestamp: Long) def countStreamsPerArtist(input: SCollection[Stream]) = input .map(s => (s.artist, 1L)) .reduceByKey(_ + _) ``` --- # This works only because - ### (1 + 1) + 1 = 1 + (1 + 1) → associative property - ### 1 + 2 = 2 + 1 → commutative property --- class: center, middle # Congratulations # You now know abstract algebra --- # Semigroup Given a set `\(S\)` and an operation `\(*\)`, we say that `\((S, *)\)` is a _semigroup_ if it satisfies the following properties for any `\(x, y, z \in S\)`: - _Closure_: `\(x * y \in S\)` - _Associativity_: `\((x * y) * z = x * (y * z)\)` We also say that `\(S\)` _forms a semigroup under_ `\(*\)`. --- # Examples of Semigroups - ### Strings under concatenation (not commutative) - ### Integers under plus (commutative) - ### Sets under union (commutative) - ### Bloom filters under bitwise OR (commutative) --- # Implementing a Semigroup ```scala trait Semigroup[T] { def plus(x: T, y: T): T } ``` -- ```scala class LongSemigroup extends Semigroup[Long] { override def plus(x: Long, y: Long): Long = x + y } ``` --- # Applying a Semigroup ```scala trait SCollection[(K, V)] { def sumByKey(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): SCollection[(K, V)] = this.reduceByKey( } ``` -- ```scala implicit val longSemigroup = new LongSemigroup def countStreamsPerArtist(input: SCollection[Stream]) = input .map(s => (s.artist, 1L)) .sumByKey // calling with implicit argument ``` --- class: center, middle # So all this work just to remove `(_+_)`? --- # Hold on, what about ```scala def sumColumns(input: SCollection[(String, (Int, Long, Float, Double))]) = input.reduceByKey { (x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2, x._3 + y._3, x._4 + y._4) } ``` --- class: center, middle # What's the #1 rule in data engineering? --- class: center, middle # Write as little code as possible! --- # With Algebird ```scala import com.twitter.algebird._ def sumColumns(input: SCollection[(String, (Int, Long, Float, Double))]) = input.sumByKey // implicit Semigroup[(Int, Long, Float, Double)] ``` -- ```scala implicit def tuple4Semigroup[A, B, C, D](implicit sgA: Semigroup[A], sgB: Semigroup[B], sgC: Semigroup[C], sgD: Semigroup[D]): Semigroup[(A, B, C, D)] = new Semigroup[(A, B, C, D)] { override def plus(x: (A, B, C, D), y: (A, B, C, D)): (A, B, C, D) = (, y._1),, y._2),, y._3),, y._4)) } ``` --- # More Algebird ```scala def sumMap(input: SCollection[(String, Map[String, Long])]) = input.sumByKey // implicit Semigroup[Map[String, Long]] ``` -- ```scala implicit def mapSemigroup[K, V](implicit sgV: Semigroup[V]): Semigroup[Map[K, V]] = new Smigroup[Map[K, V]] { override def plus(x: Map[K, V], y: Map[K, V]): Map[K, V] = x ++ { case (k, v) => k -> (if (x.contains(k)) sgV(x(k), v) else v) } } ``` --- class: center, middle # So no more artisan handcraft # What else are you taking away from me!? --- # Reducing fat objects ```scala class DoubleArraySemigroup extends Semigroup[Array[Double]] { override def plus(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = (x zip y).map(p => (p._1 + p._2)) } ``` -- # One copy per pair of inputs -- # Neunundneunzig per hundert --- # Let's cheat again ```scala class DoubleArraySemigroup extends Semigroup[Array[Double]] { override def plus(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = { var i = 0 while (i < x.size) { x(i) += y(i) i += 1 } x } } ``` -- # Nice, but... --- # Do you spot the problem? ```scala val vectors: SCollection[(String, Array[Double])] = // ... val sum = vectors.sumByKey vectors .join(sum) .mapValues { case (vec, sumVec) => (vec zip (sumVec)).map(p => (p._1 / p._2)) } ``` -- # `vec` may have been mutated by `sumByKey`! --- class: center, middle # What's the #1 rule in data engineering? --- class: center, middle # Mutate as little data as possible! --- # Mutating in place - ### Scalding - OK since it runs on M/R and no caching - ### Spark - OK since cached data are serialized copies - ### Scio - ERROR since Dataflow runner enforces immutable `fn` --- # Cheat differently ```scala class DoubleArraySemigroup extends Semigroup[Array[Double]] { override def plus(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = plusI(x.copy, y) override def sumOption(iterator: TraversableOnce[Double]): Option[Double] = { var x: Array[Double] = null iterator.foreach { y => if (x == null) x = y.copy else plusI(x, y) } Option(x) } def plusI(x: Array[Double], y: Array[Double]): Array[Double] = { var i = 0 while (i < x.size) { x(i) += y(i) i += 1 } x } } ``` --- # Accumulate → buffer → sum ```scala class ReduceFn[T](sg: Semigroup[T]) extends CombineFn[T, JList[T], T] { override def createAccumulator(): JList[T] = Lists.newArrayList() override def extractOutput(accumulator: JList[T]): T = sg.reduceOption(accumulator.asScala).get override def addInput(accumulator: JList[T], input: T): JList[T] = { accumulator.add(input) if (accumulator.size > BUFFER_SIZE) { val combined = sg.sumOption(accumulator.asScala) accumulator.clear() combined.foreach(accumulator.add) } accumulator } override def mergeAccumulators(accumulators: JIterable[JList[T]]): JList[T] = { val partial: Iterable[T] = accumulators.asScala.flatMap(a => sg.sumOption(a.asScala)) sg.sumOption(partial).toList.asJava } override def mergeAccumulators(accumulators: JIterable[JList[T]]): JList[T] = { val partial = accumulators.asScala.flatMap(a => sg.sumOption(a.asScala)) val combined = sg.sumOption(partial).get Lists.newArrayList(combined) } } ``` --- # `sumByKey` simplified ```scala def sumByKey(implicit sg: Semigroup[V]): SCollection[(K, V)] = this.applyPerKey(Combine.perKey(new ReduceFn(sg))) ``` --- # Further Reading - ## Databricks [Avoid GroupByKey]( - ## Algebird [wiki]( - ## Scio [AlgebirdSpec.scala]( --- class: center, middle # The End ## Happy Summing