First (real) post with Pelican

Finally decided to jump (back) on the blogging bandwagon. This time I decided to use a static site generator, since that seems the cool thing to do these days, and found this site. I want something in a language I know well, so Ruby or JavaScript is out. It should also be actively maintained, so Scala is out since monkeyman, the only entry there, seems abandoned. I eventually settled on Pelican, the top ranked Python framework.

I set up a new virtualenv with virtualenvwrapper and also discovered autoenv along the way. It was easy to get started with the pelican-quickstart script and in a few minutes I have a working site already. Next I went shopping for themes in pelican-themes and picked pelican-bootstrap3. Turns out it doesn’t work with Spotify icon yet so I forked the repo and made a quick PR.

After some further tweaking with the settings I was pretty happy with the results. I went on to set up Disqus and Google Analytics for the site, and published it to my Linode with make ssh_upload.

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